.. currentmodule:: pandas ============= API Reference ============= In geotech-pandas, various subaccessors provide scope-specific methods. These methods reside in separate namespaces within :class:`~pandas.DataFrame.geotech`. Most methods include a *Requires* block, which lists the columns required for that specific method. Each listed column links to its corresponding entry in the :ref:`column-reference`. .. admonition:: **Requires:** :class: important | :term:`point_id` | :term:`bottom` If the required columns are missing from the DataFrame when calling a method, an error will be raised. This error message will also list the missing columns. By default, :term:`point_id` and :term:`bottom` are the minimum required columns. However, these two columns are generally not defined in the *Requires* block unless the method explicitly uses them (e.g., :meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.geotech.layer.get_top`). Accessor -------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ :template: autosummary/accessor.rst DataFrame.geotech