Soil Index Subaccessor#

In this guide, the basics of the index subaccessor methods are presented. The index subaccessor is a collection of methods related to index property laboratory tests for each sample of each point in the DataFrame. The index properties of soil are the properties which help to assess the engineering behavior of soil and determine the classification of soil accurately. For information about the columns used by this subaccessor, see Soil Index Columns.

First, we import the necessary libraries,

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import geotech_pandas

Next, we create a DataFrame with the following data,

In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     {
   ...:         "point_id": ["BH-1", "BH-1", "BH-1"],
   ...:         "bottom": [1.0, 1.5, 3.0],
   ...:         "moisture_content_mass_moist": [236.44, 154.40, 164.68],
   ...:         "moisture_content_mass_dry": [174.40, 120.05, 134.31],
   ...:         "moisture_content_mass_container": [22.20, 18.66, 20.27],
   ...:     }
   ...: )

In [4]: df = df.convert_dtypes()

In [5]: df
  point_id  bottom  ...  moisture_content_mass_dry  moisture_content_mass_container
0     BH-1     1.0  ...                      174.4                             22.2
1     BH-1     1.5  ...                     120.05                            18.66
2     BH-1     3.0  ...                     134.31                            20.27

[3 rows x 5 columns]


Notice that the df is reassigned with the result of convert_dtypes() method. This method converts the columns of df to the best possible dtypes that support NA to consistently represent missing data.

Use the dtypes property to show the current dtypes of df,

In [6]: df.dtypes
point_id                           string[python]
bottom                                    Float64
moisture_content_mass_moist               Float64
moisture_content_mass_dry                 Float64
moisture_content_mass_container           Float64
dtype: object

Getting the moisture content#

The get_moisture_content() method returns a Series of moisture content values. This method requires the following columns:

  • moisture_content_mass_moist: mass of container and moist specimen, g.

  • moisture_content_mass_dry: mass of container and oven dry specimen, g.

  • moisture_content_mass_container: mass of container, g.


Since the result of this method is in the form of a percentage, it isn’t particularly strict in using g as the unit. However, it is still important to use a consistent unit across these columns.

In [7]: df.geotech.lab.index.get_moisture_content()
0    40.762155
1    33.879081
2    26.631007
Name: moisture_content, dtype: Float64